

I was asked to  (re)design the UI of the television category pages of

We did two sessions with the client where we aligned stakeholder wishes and investigated technical possibilities.


The goal was to simplify the designs and stimulate the user experience. The extensive Philips style guides were applied to the designs and the designs had to be built with the Adobe CQ5 CMS.


We proposed a stacking approach, where pages can be built op out of different reusable content blocks. And lead the customer thru a series of USP’s to reach a CTA.


Although not all our proposed UX designs were possible within the online Philips environment (Adobe CMS), all the UI designs were immediately on brand. We delivered a complete redesign within 3 weeks total, that were aligned with stakeholders, frontend and backend and deployed shortly after.

Stacks as building blocks for category pages.

Combining dark and light stacks and balancing out image stills and text stacks to create a balanced visual rhythm.

This project was commissioned by
Role:Lead UI

Lead Interaction design:
Joris Huijbregts (

creative director TPVision:
Robert Phillips

Digital Service Manager TV:
Yannick van den Hurk

online marketing manager TV a.i.:
Henriette Goor

Service Expert Online Studio:
Barry Aben

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